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Kundalini Yoga made a huge difference in my life. Initially I found it quite difficult to get adjusted to the yogic life style. Gradually I got used to it and experienced immense benefits both physically and psychologically. I was able to get over
many blocks and felt more accomplished.


Gradually the connection with my inner self improved and I realized I’m no more dependent on external means for happiness. I realized that everything I want is within me and that I could change my life and manifest anything I want. I'm extremely grateful to my self as well as my dearest yoga teachers for paving this pathway for me.

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My Kundalini journey began, over 3 years ago, after participating in a couple of Gong Baths at Prana Lounge with Fiona.  I really felt the affects of the gong and enjoyed the yoga warm up before.  I had never heard of Kundalini before this and after reading some articles decided it was something I wanted to try.  I was going through quite tough emotional times working in Sri Lanka and was looking for something to support me.


I regularly attended classes with Fiona and Shaunagh who luckily both lived in my neighbourhood and held classes at home. I also attended a few classes at
home with Sara in Negombo. The ambiance was relaxing and I felt I was in a very safe space to learn and make progress with my practice. Over the months I began to see the real differences Kundalini had made to me and colleagues at work also began to notice.


During Covid and the lockdowns life was tough for all but the silver lining for me was the ability to attend some fabulous Kundalini Retreats in amazing places - Ulpotha, Kalpittiya, Guava House and Sri Yoga Shala.  These were wonderful experiences in beautiful places, with amazing scenery, food and opportunities to
explore and learn more about Kundalini.


I knew I was coming back to spend some time in the UK with my aging parents and was aware that it would be tough and I'd miss my community.  I took a year off in 2021 and spent it by the beach doing lots of practice, amongst other things.  The decision was made to study for my Level 1 Teaching Practice.  This was mainly for myself and for a tool to cope back 'at home'. I am, a couple of months after obtaining my Certificate, looking into the possibilities of starting to teach here. It has been a wonderful journey so far, not without ups and downs, and I'm so happy that I discovered Kundalini Yoga.


Deciding to take the Sri Lanka Kundalini Yoga L1 teacher training was one of the best things
I could have done for myself. 
Throughout the course, and through the support and guidance of an amazing teaching faculty
led by Tonie, one of the main gifts studying Kundalini Yoga gave me was a strengthening of
my own connection to Self and I truly believe that this promoted me to become a better
practitioner, student and eventually, teacher. 
I loved learning about the uplifting Kundalini Yoga teachings - from the concepts and
philosophies to the kriyas and the many different meditations and mantras. 
Coming to class at Fiona's house was like spending time with family - a warm, welcoming
space where we were nurtured, inspired and well fed :) I appreciated this fun learning
environment in Colombo and also during the weekends away at Guava House and by the
beach in Negombo, where being so close to nature only deepened the experience. I wouldn't
say that everyday was easy, but with every passing day, I knew that I was meant to be there,
learning this ancient yogic wisdom and it felt so good to be able to share it with others at the
end of my training. If I could summarise my experience in one word, it would be: life-
I am forever grateful for being led onto this path!

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Shaunagh, Fiona and Sara naturally calm the students while ensuring that we as students get the best possible results from our practice.
The meditation segment of our practice I always look forward to, because of the teacher’s ability to guide me through the process without judgment, and the calming and their soothing nature automatically brings one into the moment. The gong meditations I have been part of have been extremely beneficial and the teacher’s attentiveness throughout the practice is always

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Reflections from a Student

Using Zoom as the medium for teaching is not easy for the teacher or the student. However, Fiona, Shaunagh and Sara have developed excellent techniques for communicating with students. They bring a sense of their enjoyment in Kundalini and wanting to impart it to others. Their relaxation techniques are excellent and I am known to relax so completely that it
refreshes and energises me for the rest of the day.
In many of the classes leading the group both on Zoom and in the yoga room is a challenge to the teachers. Their understanding of these difficult
situations is good mainly because they are committed to yoga and their enthusiasm shines through to me as a student. As I live in another country away from the local community, it is difficult for me to comment on the local Kundalini Community . However, I do see the invitations sent out electronically to the local students encouraging them to join events and long weekends organised by the teachers. In
these extraordinary times, it would be difficult to recommend joining these events other than to encourage local students to join as and when
they can afford them.
My prayer to these excellent teachers is to continue their good work. They bring a positive and happy feeling into the class. Other students on
Zoom are friendly and chat to each other briefly before the class begins. I attend as many classes as I can and feel sad when for various reasons I
have to miss one.


Sanasuma has been a great anchoring resource for me as a busy professional and part time yoga teacher during the pandemic and beyond. I am particularly appreciative of their online classes given my busy schedule and find this is an invaluable way to sustain myself. I can also highly recommend their retreats as the best gift for our wellbeing!


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